Where My Questioning Lead Me!
How I got comfortable finding the answers –that worked for me!
Who could I trust – intellectuals did not have answers! For me, churches didn’t help. I didn’t need religion.
My fear – what if there is a life truth that determined my destiny? Scientific facts proved that creation made sense compared to non-believers belief that we evolved over millions of years – that this beautiful earth we enjoy and the amazing life we live came about by chance – evolution, meaning accidental development!
I felt my final destiny was something I could not afford to leave to chance – I had to find what worked for me – you may feel as I did !
My life and destiny was “Too important” to allow someone else to tell me what to think!
I always loved science even though I did not have the intellect to be a scientist! I still wanted to know – what did the Laws of Science prove?
How do the billions of cells that enable my complicated body to work efficiently come about – resulting in me a human with feelings, emotions, eye sight, senses I use daily? Our complicated earth can’t be an accident supporting life as we know it.
That was the physical aspect of life, of earth. How about morals and values, “How are we to live”, or “Why do we live”. What is the Purpose of this Life!
Intellectuals like Segan and Hawkins had theories, but could not offer firm answers to how and why! They would say life–the world as we know it evolved, advancing from nothing, unguided. To which I thought, gee like going to a junk yard and gathering a container of parts and then putting in my garage and out comes a 911 Porsche!
Yet, they laugh at those who think there was a creator. Their answer – evolution magically happened – to me I heard a bag of cells long ago walked out of a pool of dirty water becoming man; I thought to myself, which came first, lungs or legs as without either you drown or you can’t move. These people I watched on Youtube and such would say have confidence, overtime, millions of years the bag of cells adapted–to which I would think why – are you saying that the bag of cells wanted to walk!
One intellect said maybe human spores were dropped by aliens.
Francis Crick, the DNA formula genius – his idea panspermia? Spores hitch hiked on meteorites to land on earth and start our world. These thought leaders would say have faith and trust us – they boldly state, science will show us one day. They Don’t Know, they say trust your faith in science that we will learn one day – don’t they ridicule people of Faith in God?
Who doesn’t wonder what happens when we die – we may not like to think about it. In fact my friend says I hate to think of being in the coffin and rotting. Most people say I hope I go to Heaven–what is Heaven, and How DO you get there?
Most people when asked why they go to Heaven respond – I am a good person – I have done good things. Hitler probably thought that he was good enough-does he get in. So what is good enough, No one knows!?
If God asked me, why would I let you into Heaven – what would I say?
That pushed me to research and open my mind to there being a real, living God. (I will list some of the ways I got answers in the resource section), I discovered the Beauty of God — He loves me even at my worst;
Why would He love me if I was bad – I learned God like a loving father knows I am human and never perfect. Like me-you might be a SLAVE to ….whatever you struggle with – cheating, lying, porn, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling – God does not care as He knows He can help you if you simply trust Him – like a father! How, freedom to chose, that is the gift from our Loving God, He loves you as You are – not as a fake, He is here for you, 100%, He makes the impossible – POSSIBLE!
Now look around you, the sky, the oceans, the amazing way we are birthed out of our mom’s canal; see the vastness of deep space, nature – the seasons….
Science proves that all we enjoy is NO accident. Look it up, the Laws of science state something cannot come from Nothing – so the Big Bang is real!
Then ask yourself if intellectuals are right about evolution, how did the Big Bang happen if there was nothing (the Laws of Science apply).
Something created all we see and feel! They know the laws of science!
I discovered there is an answer! Investigate as I did for yourself. I learned that “The Way” is easy; All are welcome; The same way for All!
No special requirements! Once I began to open my mind I learned why it made sense that this person, Jesus Christ died for me because He loved me as He loves you. To my surprise following Him as a Believer gave me incredible freedom, I life for me is still fun and full of excitement.
I learned how easy it was – Jesus – the reasoning, the why, all made sense as remember I started out looking out to Outer Space and seeing that I was but a spec, but to Jesus Christ I was His creation. I learned not giving up life but about getting more from and out of life.
I unlocked my potential. Each day is easy as I move forward living with hope and purpose – for eternal life. If you ever played the Lotto and wished you won, to me I won the Lottery, and the ticket was Free!