Like you I had many questions Some of my question may help you!

A Truth for most people is we struggle with what we know - hard facts versus emotions, feelings. Answers I hoped would help me to live by the spirit. Faith is our hope that we trust what is to come - I found that Faith positively changed my earthy experience giving me confidence of the future beyond!

My Wrestling Match

  • I don’t understand God’s Ways – I am only human.
  • I don’t always like how God as creator and controller of life orchestrates life — I had to realize not for my benefit but for His Kingdom – what than means – not easy!
  • However, my reward has been a sense of hope and purpose – I have Peace when I follow God’s Ways – easy no – like loving my neighbor-forgiving others — forgiving self – I realize my daily fight is living by my flesh versus living by the spirit.  My flesh affirms my sin-nature.  How I forgive myself as I fall short, driven by my spirit to desire repentance – to do better.  I now have victory, I win, I am content, I am happy, “absolutely”, as live with and in hope and purpose!   This life is not the end game – it is the start with a life so good I can’t imagine!

My Mission

Is to plant seeds to encourage you.  To do what, find out for yourself – this is too important to leave to chance.  Years back confused by church life I wanted to know for myself.  That is, to be or not to be a person who lives as a child of God-depending on God.  As His child you can’t stop your sin nature but you can attempt daily to follow the lifestyle that as shared in the Bible, I struggled with how me, a guy who has done so many things wrong can bring glory to God — something I have struggled with as I realized that I live only for my pleasure.  God’s promise is your walk of faith will lead to un-imaginable Peace and Rewards!.  Can you afford to not explore what may give you eternal life?  Some like to say, it is 50/50 chance, if you follow God’s Word, you have at least a chance of salvation as Promised in His Word, if you go with the other gamblers 50%, you have no CHANCE!

“The Bible states that God loves each of us as His personal creation.”